From the Mii Plaza of Sean
creator and developer
Hey Gamer! My name is
Sean, and today I'm going to help YOU easily
unlock your Wii faster and safer than anyone
My website is going to show those interested
in playing backup games and how to install
homebrew, the perfect step-by-step program
for YOU today!
So if you've been itching to find a way to
have more fun with your Wii - from running
emulators to turning it into a media center
- please read this whole page today and
you'll see why this is the perfect solution
for you.
Unlock Plussoftware
and manuals are going to take YOU by the hand, and
show you how to do all of the above and more witheasy
& fully illustrated '1-2-3' steps! Ready?
Here's the first benefit I want you to look at...
With the way games keep getting more expensive,
and with the current economy, RIGHT NOW is the
best time to get ahead of the crowd and unlock
your Wii without
a mod-chip.
Have you seen the
professional mod chip installation services and
premodded consoles that you can now buy for a
few hundred dollars?
Forget that!
Today, YOU are going to learn how to unlock your
OWN Wii console for just
pennies on the dollar instead! Wii
Unlock Plus is your only complete step by
step manual that is a full color, fully
illustrated DIY series, and includes every
single step to unlock your Wii from your home
with our brand new, idiot-proof wii unlocking
and homebrew software!
So? Have you challenged the system before?Do
YOU have an unlocked Wii game system already?
Chances are you have been
interested in finding out exactly how to safely
unlock your Nintendo Wii and do things like play region-free backup
games, DVDs, MP3s, and homebrew apps
for a long time, but have yet to discover a reliable
source of information that will answer your
difficult questions about Wii unlocking.
You may have even tried
several Wii unlocking programs in the past only to
follow them to the tee and not have any success,
or considered paying for a modchip installation
service or buying a pre-modded console, but didn't
because of the outrageous price or the fact that
modchips will void the
warranty on your console, but you decided to
keep searching hoping that you would find that one
solution that will help you unlock all the
hidden benefits that your Wii has to offer....
Great news! You can
finally STOP your search and
SAVE money too!
Your Only Seconds Away From... Safely Unlocking Your Wii
NO Modchip! (Works with System Menu 4.2+
out of the box) Installing Homebrew
Applications and Games
Playing Downloaded, Backup, + Imported
Games From the Disc Channel
Burning Your Own Backup Discs and Playing
Them On Your Wii Console Playing N64, SNES, Sega and
More Games from other
Consoles on your Wii with
specially made Emulators
Turning Your Wii Into The Ultimate Media
Center with DVD and Music Playback Capability
Loading Multiple Games onto a USB Hard
Drive and Playing them
without the Disc 11
Wii Unlock Plus
has everything you need to
open up a whole new world of entertainment to you
and get 5 times more fun from your Wii - the
best part, you never have to install a modchip or
any other additional hardware!
Unlock Plus is a software unlocking method (AKA a
'softmod' in the wii homebrew community) so you can
quickly and safely unlock your Nintendo console
having to physically modify your console...
DON'T need to open up your Wii
and solder in an expensive modchip.
Installing a mod chip such as Wii Key is
extremely risky and will void your
YOU DON'T ever need
a copy of Zelda: Twilight Princess* for
Wii - or any other game for that matter
- which saves you cash!
*Beware of outdated wii unlocking
techniques that exploit a glitch in this
Zelda game, and thus require you to buy
or rent a copy to unlock your wii.
YOU DON'T need to
be an expert programmer. In fact
you don't need any experience, and
certainly no formal education - whether
you're a high school drop-out or a
qualified IT professional, it doesn't
stop you from utilizing our proven
software to unlock you Wii today.
YOU DON'T need to
fork out a lot of extra money. All
you need is a working internet
connection and a SD card (which we'll
show you where to get for under $5 if
you don't have one already) to transfer
our software from your computer to your
Wii console.
Actually, it's beyond easy. You are about to
be handed a way to unlock your Wii console that is
so simple, even....
1. Join the
Unlock Plus
club. 2. Download the software to unlock
your Wii, watch the videos and read the manual. 3. Start unlocking your Wii and get
ready to enjoy the benefits!
I'm not kidding when I say, Unlocking Is Just The Beginning!
You are about to be
exposed to a slew of mind-blowing, never-before-possible
features that you can access only when you unlock your
console with Wii Unlock Plus.
I've unlocked my friends
consoles and they could not believe all features
they've gained. One friend who was obsessed
with being able to play his backup games, and was
considering paying over $450 for a pre-modded
console. I told him to save his money and let
me take a look first. He let me work my magic with
the very same software that you'll get when you
order Wii Unlock Plus and lo and behold, one happy
friend who no longer had the urge to spend hundreds
of dollars on a modded Wii!
Take a look at some of the benefits
that I unlocked for my friend - and now YOU can
now unlock any Wii console
worldwide with
hardware modification and
no modchip. Wii
Unlock Plus is designed for Wii Update 4.2+!
turn your Wii into a home media center with
support for many popular music and video formats
including MP3, AVI, MP4, etc. YOU
play all homebrew applications and games
including customer favorites like the Homebrew
Channel, Wii Earth, and Pong.
play legal downloaded games, backup games, and
even imported games. YOU CAN
play games from all regions including USA (NTSC)
and Europe (PAL). YOU CAN
play games from N64, SNES, Sega Genesis and
other classic consoles.
play legal backup and downloaded GameCube games.
And Much,
Much More...
What you
are about to get access to is so powerful that it
has been kept under wraps by the "inner circle" of
the wii homebrew community and is only being made
available to outsiders for a very limited time.
That's why YOU mustact now before we are
forced to take Wii Unlock Plus
off the market for good...
If you're
someone who wants to be on the inside of what is
changing the way people experience Wii as we know it
you won't want to miss out!
Don't want to read the
eBook? Or maybe you just want extra
clarification to make sure you're staying on course
as you unlock your Wii? Our top notch
Quick-Start Video Series will literally hold you by
the hand every step of the way as you unlock your
Wii so there is no chance you mess up. Since
these videos took a lot of time to produce, we had
planned to offer them as an add-on package for $47,
but now are offering them to you for a very limited
time at no extra cost!
FREE When You
Order Wii Unlock Plus Today!)
The Quick-Start Video Series is a brand new part
of the Wii Unlock Plus kit. These videos have
been designed to help the complete novice.
If you have no idea how to unlock your Wii
then this video series will be priceless to you.
As you are watching the videos you can
pause/rewind to certain parts to refresh your
Disc 1
- In "Getting Started" you will learn how to
unlock your Wii, with step-by-step, easy to
follow video instructions.
Disc 2
- Learn how to play homebrew games, turn your
wii into a media center, and much more for
maximum fun!
- Includes DVD quality screen captures that give
you an over-the-shoulder look at exactly how I
unlock my very own Wii console.
You Didn't Think I Was Going To Stop There? Did You? Wait
Till You See What's Coming Next.. .... .
A $97 Value, Yours FREE When YOU Act Now
and Order Today! This
offer is extremely limited, so secure your copy
before its too late...
You're going to need
homebrew games and apps
to run on your Wii after its unlocked, and this
special bonus will have you downloading all the
latest homebrew software directly to your Wii via
Wi-Fi from a verified database.
This bonus is
one of my personal favorites because it
saves you hours of searching through
homebrew web sites for an app that might not
even be compatible with your system.
With Homebrew
Database you will be able to browse and
download homebrew games and applications
directly from your Wii in no time.
Tired of the way
the standard Wii system menu looks?Wish you could
chose from dozens of cool themes for wii to
match your rooms decor?Want to customize
your wii? You’ll be blown
away by our giant collection of custom wii
themes that will transform the way you
experience your wii system menu forever.You can download
them all instantly from inside the members area.
"If your friends are like mine, they
will be begging you to let them know how they
can pimp out their wii console’s with
cool system menu themes!"
Want in? The next
250100 64 people to
order Wii Unlock Plus will automatically get
access to the Wii Themes Club FREE. We are
selling like Wii on launch day, so if you want
to lock in your spot, you'd better act now!
Finding all of the cheat codes, unlockables, and
strategies you need to dominate your favorite Wii
games can be a daunting task, but not anymore with
my updated, 226 page Wii Cheats Handbook And Game
Guide fully-loaded with the latest games
Crossing: City Folk
Call of
Duty: WaW
Guitar Hero
Mario Kart
Tiger Woods
PGA Tour and more
With a Digital Copy of the Ultimate Guide to
Nintendo Wii Cheat Codes with well over
5000+ Wii cheats, hints, unlockables, FAQs,
and guides for more than 600 Wii games at your
finger tips, you wont have to spend hours
searching the net, so you can spend more time
- Now includes TOP SECRET
Game Info:
Discover a secret glitch that lets more than
one person to be the same character in
Mario Kart?
When you're KO'd in Punch-Out!, quickly
press __ to save yourself.
Get an automatic 91 pin strike Bowling in Wii
Secret alternative ____ area to explore with
thousands of points worth of Gold Targets to
shoot in Link's Crossbow Training.
Plus dozens of other
shocking game secrets
that will impress your friends!
To make this the absolute best Wii unlocking package
on earth,
and remove that last bit of doubt that you're
feeling, I've negotiated with 7 of the best
world-renowned wii software developers on the
planet, to offer several of their
"must have" Wii apps
to you as bonuses with this package. However, the
deal I negotiated with them only allows me to offer
these for free to my next 77 customers.
if you are one of the next 77
48 people to take me up on this offer, you'll
ALL of these
7 "Must Have" Wii Apps worth over $200
absolutely FREE!"
Rollover Each App To Learn More!
Our Wii Unlocking kit keeps getting better as we constantly
update it and add MORE amazing content to it. So as another
way of saying thank you - you're going to receive FREE
our kit, and in the future when we launch new products and
additions - you will NEVER have to pay for them!
That's right! And to make it even sweeter - you can rest
assured that when new stuff comes out - my current members
will get the info FIRST and a good month or two before
anyone else is even allowed to see it!
All you need to do is visit your private members page
and all the new content will be ready for you, all
for free.
"Unlock Your Wii or Your Money Back"
Here’s my promise to you:
Download the software today.... Try
unlocking your console (I'll show you how,
step-by-step) and see how much more fun your
Wii can be. It doesn't matter if your
new to the homebrew scene or if your a
seasoned expert. Just give it a shot.
If you're not happy,
for ANY reason at all in the next 60 days,
just contact our support team (we don't hide
it, you'll see the link on the download
page) and I will buy it back. No ifs,
ands or buts. You'll get a refund of
every nickel.
Does that sound fair?
You get 60 risk-free days to see with your own eyes
the benefits of Wii Unlock Plus.
As long as you're serous about unlocking
your Wii and cranking the fun factor up
several notches, I guarantee you'll be
And I can
make this promise with 100% confidence in my offer
because…I am THAT SURE that you will NEVER find another wii
unlocking guide out there on the internet today that can
even compare to mine.
And most importantly... I can make this promise to you
because Wii Unlock Plus
is a labor of love, a complete system I’ve been
working on for over six months and the culmination of more
than 3 years of experience in the Wii homebrew community.
I know that when you get access to it, you will find the
vast experience and knowledge I‘ve packed into it both
enlightening and inspiring.
this: I don’t want
your money unless it actually works for you!
I know what you're thinking...
So how much is this entire package going to cost me?
Well, as you can see, the value of everything you
have seen on my website, including the Wii Unlock
Plus software, guide, and videos as well as the
bonus package, is over$475.00.
Don't worry, I'm not going to charge
anywhere near that!
To be fair, my friends recommended that I charge
at least the price of a decent mod chip or
about $67 for this package. But I want
to be more than fair...
I wanted
to make this program affordable for everyone,
and a wise investment in your Wii console, and your
entertainment for life! For that reason, I'm
offering the complete Wii Unlock Plus package in
addition to all 12 bonuses valued at $479.80,
for only $59.99 total
for the entire package.
because I'm really excited about the launch, I'll
cut the price even further and give you a 50% DISCOUNT!
That means if you purchase today you'll pay the
super-low, deeply discounted price ofjust $29.97.
Simply click
the "ADD TO CART" below to checkout and
download all this goodness...
This introductory launch price is
nothing compared to the amount of money that you
will save by being able to play backup and homebrew
Still Not Sure?. . .
I'm not going to lie to you –
this is a big opportunity for you – but if you don't
act fast, other gamers are going to beat you to it.
Just imagine everyone out there who is reading my
site and downloading the unlocking software as we
YOU could be one of the
few with the secrets to success now... or
you could be struggling behind the curve when
everyone else is unlocking their wii consoles...
Don't waste another minute – My
entire Wii Unlock Package including the videos and
bonuses can be yours for only $29.97 today. This is
your best chance make your dream of unlocking your wii come
true. Grab it like a Wii Fit on Black
Friday and run with it...
This is what I want YOU to do
now.. . .
Click on the 'Add To Cart'
button below. You will then be directed to
ClickBank's secured web page to complete the
transaction. Follow the instruction and fill
in your purchase details. The complete Wii
Unlock Plus package is ready for download in the
Member's Area after you click the confirmation
Yes! Please
Give Me Instant Access
to the Wii Unlock Plus Software, Video
Series, and Bonuses for ONLY $29.97!
I understand...
will pay via a secured ClickBank
order form so my payment details are
satisfaction is 100% Guaranteed,
and I can try Wii Unlock Plus risk-free
for 60 days. If it isn't for me, I
will get a refund of my money NO
QUESTIONS ASKED and get to keep the
bonuses for free!
Problems or questions?Contact
me at
Sean Fisher
have nothing to lose and everything to gain. You
can unlock your Wii and get all the bonuses for less
than the price of a mod chip - and $100s less than
it would cost to pay for a modchip installation
service - And remember we have an Iron Clad,
Money Back Guarantee so there's no risk.
Wii Unlock Plus Now - 100% Risk Free!
out these testimonials I have
recently received from Gamers just like YOU!
"Hi, my name
is Jason. I am a Sophomore in
High School from Tampa FL, and I
just wanted to say that Wii Unlock
Plus rocks!!! I was able to unlock
my wii console in under 25 minutes
with your video guide. Besides
playing backup games, my favorite
part is the custom themes. My
friends were so jealous that they
all went online and joined your
"I had been
looking to buy a modchip to play my
downloaded wii ISO files when I
found your site. At first, I
was skeptical because from what I
had read online I needed a modchip
to run my wii backups, but I tried
your wii unlocking software anyway
and it worked as advertised.
Thanks for your help with getting my
console unlocked without a modchip -
P.P.P.S.This opportunity can't
last long. Wii Unlock Plus Membership is
extremely limited and from the great reviews we have
been receiving we expect a full sell-out veryvery soon! If you can still see the
Add To Cart button above, click it now to secure
your place at the current price. Once all
memberships are sold out and the price goes up, there is nothing I can do.
Take Action
if much of what I've discussed seems new to you or
even if you've never considered unlocking your own
wii console before. This is the real deal -
the original
complete soft-mod solution for unlocking
your wii - If this is your first big
adventure into homebrew then make
the best decision you can take online.You'll
save months of trial and error bygetting
it right first time.
This special
offer is going to END at any time now
It's your final chance.
Don't regret it later...Opportunities
like this don't pass by often.
about it -Yes
you could easily invest $50 or more on a wii
modchip... Then spend the next 3 or 4 weeks
waiting for it to be shipped to your door
step... And another 2 or 3 weeks
figuring out how to install it. It
might workbut
it'd be 1 months+ before you see any results.
Don't go through all that when YOU can join Wii Unlock
Plus, download my software instantly inside the
members area, and start unlocking your
Wii in minutes!
Copyright Wii Unlock Plus. All Rights Reserved.
This website is not affiliated with or sponsored by Nintendo.
"WII" is a registered trademark of Nintendo Inc.
Disclaimer: This website and its developers has no
affiliation whatsoever with the owner of any of the software
programs described and does not re-sell or license software. All
software is freeware and/or shareware. Membership is for access to
our site's resources. We provide an organized website with
links to third party freeware and shareware software, technical
support, tutorials and step by step guides.
Use of this website for piracy is strictly forbidden.
Use of this website
constitutes acceptance of the
terms of service.